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Welcome to my Gyn Page.
Here you will find a variety of topics and links concerning Gyn Issue's only. If you are looking for OB information please visit our Pregnancy Page. We have separated the two pages for a few reasons. There are many sufferings with infertility problems ,due too many reason's. We believe it's insensitive to the women who are looking for Gyn information to sort through the pregnancy information. Many of our health problems are broken up into area's, such as our
Endometriosis page
Pelvic Adhesions
Women's Health
Chronic Pain

This area is an over flow of those pages, and will have additional information listed outside those categories. This page was newly created, please give us a little bit of time to finish it off. But we wanted to be able to share with you some of the information we have gotten together already.

Did you know that more than half of all women age 18 to 65 consider their ob-gyn their primary physician. Making this doctor the most visited doctor by women.
A close and personal relationship with your Gyn doctor is important to you get the best possible care, you deserve.

The links and information listed below will help you deal with some of the health issues that are important to you ,follow these links to find out more information on the topic you choose.

Your Guide to the Female Reproductive System

Chronic pelvic pain
This is one of the most common reason's for women to see their gyn doctorrayon will find many possible reasons for pelvic pain listed here. Pelvic pain affects a large number of women, and is not often optimally treated within a single specialty. It is responsible for approximately 40% of laparoscopies and 10-15% of hysterectomies in this country. In one survey of 5300 women, more than 16% noted chronic pelvic pain.

Uterine Conditions

Dysmenorrhea (primary or secondary, eg, cervical stenosis)
Positional (prolapse)
Pelvic congestion
Adhesive disease (infection, postsurgical)
Functional ovarian cysts
Painful vulva


Other bowel disease (eg, colitis)

Interstitial Cystitis

Fallopian Tube
The ends of the fallopian tubes, called "fimbria," collect the egg, while tiny hairlike fibers called cilia transport it towards the uterus.  Fallopian tubes can develop a number of problems, including cysts, inflammation (infection), scar tissue (called adhesions), tubal ectopic pregnancies, and, in extremely rare situations, even cancer.

Ovaries, Ovarian Cyst

There are a number of gynecologic conditions that can affect the ovaries.  These include cysts, cancer, scar tissue, and twisting of the ovary around it's blood supply (called torsion).  Fortunately, almost all cysts that form on the ovary are non-cancerous.  However, because ovarian cancer can strike 1:70 women, and because it can be deadly, gynecologists worry about ovarian cysts.  The diagnosis of these cysts usually requires a good pelvic exam and perhaps a pelvic ultrasound (also called a sonogram).  If necessary, surgery is sometimes required to take a better look at the ovaries

Urinary Tract Infections
You might feel a sudden need to urinate and experience a painful, burning sensation while you pass just a small amount of urine. You may feel the urge to urinate again, despite having done so a short time before. These may be symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI).
Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria that affect any part of the urinary tract. Bacteria that enter through the urethra (the tube leading from the bladder) and spread to the bladder can cause cystitis, a bladder infection. Often, the urethra becomes infected at the same time, causing arthritis. Less often, bacteria that have infected the bladder move up the ureters (the tubes connecting the kidneys with the bladder) into the kidneys causing pyelonephritis, a kidney infection.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDS)


Uterine fibroids
are very common, benign tumors that may appear on the inside or outside lining, or within the muscular wall of the uterus," .
Fibroids occur most often during a woman's reproductive years, but can develop at any age. African-American women get fibroids three times as frequently as white women and often at a younger age.
Fibroids range from the size of a pea to as large as a grapefruit or even larger. A woman may have a single fibroid or several. Many remain small, some grow slowly, while others grow very quickly.
Doctors don't yet have a clear understanding of what causes fibroids, but they do know that fibroids are linked to the hormone estrogen. Fibroids occur most often when estrogen levels are high--during a woman's reproductive years, pregnancy, or oral contraceptive use.

This may not be a subject that all women want to talk about, but this is important information you should know about your body.

Normal Vaginal Discharge:
All women have some vaginal discharge. Normal discharge may appear clear, cloudy white, and/or yellowish when dry on clothing. It may also contain white flecks and at times may be thin and stringy. Changes in normal discharge can occur for many reasons, including menstrual cycle, emotional stressors, pregnancy, usage of the birth control pill, and sexual arousal.

Abnormal Discharge:
Any changes in color or amount of discharge may be a sign of a vaginal infection. Vaginal infections are very common; most women will experience some form of a vaginal infection in their lifetime. If you experience any of the symptoms below, contact your health care provider. Discharge accompanied by itching, rash or soreness Grey/white or yellow/green discharge with a foul odor
White, clumpy discharge (somewhat like cottage cheese)
Persistent, increased discharge
Burning on skin during urination

Cancer of the uterus
is also called endometrial cancer.

Cervical dysplasia
is considered to be a precancerous condition

What is premenstrual syndrome?
Premenstrual syndrome is the name given to a group of physical and emotional symptoms that some women experience on a regular basis in relation to menstruation. The symptoms occur monthly, generally within 7 to 14 days prior to menstruation. Symptoms may seem to worsen as menstruation approaches and subside at the onset or after several days of menstruation. A symptom-free phase usually occurs following menses.
The severity of PMS symptoms ranges from mild to incapacitating. Symptoms can occur for only one or two days or may begin at ovulation and continue until the onset of menstruation. Symptoms may include:

nervous tension mood swings
feeling out of control
water retention
breast tenderness
food cravings

Dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps) is not considered a symptom of PMS. However, a woman can experience both PMS and dysmenorrhea and may decide to seek treatment for both difficulties.
Who experiences PMS?
Some estimates say that about 10 percent of menstruating women experience severe premenstrual symptoms. While PMS can occur at any time in a menstruating woman's life, it generally appears in her late twenties and thirties.

What may cause irregular vaginal bleeding
Menstrual dysfunction
Fluctuating hormone levels
Vaginitis, a common and treatable vaginal infection
Vaginal varicosities, in which a blood vein in the vagina is dilated and can be abraded (irritated)
Tumors, polyps or fibroids of the vagina, cervix, uterus or fallopian tubes
Cervical disorders, such as cervical ectropion, a condition common among younger women — especially young women taking birth control pills — in which the cervical tissue becomes more susceptible to abrasion, often associated with bleeding following sexual intercourse
Cancer of the uterus, cervix, vagina or vulva
Some STDs, such as Chlamydia, gonorrhea or genital warts
Vaginal injury from trauma or sexual abuse
Early pregnancy-associated bleeding or an ectopic pregnancy (the fertilized egg becomes implanted outside the uterus)
Complications from pregnancy such as miscarriage

Uterine Prolapse
A weakening of the supporting muscles and ligaments of the uterus can cause it to sag into the vagina and eventually protrude from the body. Symptoms can include a sensation of heaviness in the pelvic area and urinary incontinence.

Treatment options
Pelvic floor exercises. If done at the first sign of Prolapse, Kegel exercises, which strengthen vaginal muscles, may prevent this condition from worsening.
Drug Therapy. Estrogen replacement therapy for post-menopausal women may lessen symptoms.
Conservative surgery. A minor Prolapse may be treated with surgery to repair supporting ligaments.
Pessary. This diaphragm-like device can be inserted around the cervix to help prop up the uterus. The drawbacks: it may dislodge or cause irritation, may interfere with intercourse and must be removed regularly to be cleaned.
Hysterectomy may be in order if other treatments fail to effectively support the uterus and alleviate discomfort

Procedure's and Test

Translational Hydro laparoscopy

for Infertility Investigation and Diagnosis of Chronic Pelvic Pain

Adnexectomy, which is the removal of an ovary and/or fallopian tube, can be performed when problems such as adhesions or recurrent ovarian cysts result in significant pain. Instead of a complete hysterectomy, removal of the diseased side may be curative, and since the other ovary remains, the natural hormone production will continue. The uterus also remains, but if it is not the cause of the problem, then there is no need for a hysterectomy.
Although the ovary is larger than the usual incisions made for laparoscopy, techniques are available to remove the ovary in pieces, therefore avoiding a large incision. Even large benign tumors of the ovary can be removed by placing them in plastic bags to avoid spilling the contents of the cyst and then cutting them into small strips for removal. As a result, what was once a major surgical procedure can now be done on an outpatient basis.

Myomectomy is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids without hysterectomy.

Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation
Abnormal uterine bleeding can be due to heavy menstrual flow, an irregular bleeding pattern, or a combination of the two. After appropriate evaluation has ensured that there is no malignancy or premalignant condition, hormonal therapy is usually curative. Occasionally, however, the abnormal uterine bleeding will persist, and a hysterectomy may be suggested as the next treatment. Indeed, a hysterectomy will remove the source of bleeding permanently, but it is a major surgical procedure that may not be necessary.
Hysteroscopy has already been mentioned in the treatment of uterine fibroids. The hysteroscope is a small lighted instrument that passes through the cervix into the uterine cavity, allowing excellent visualization of a very small space. In many cases of abnormal bleeding, polyps or fibroids will be found and can be removed. Several times, however, the cavity will appear normal. In this circumstance, an endometrial ablation can be performed. Using laser or electrical current, the Endometrium, which is the lining that undergoes growth and shedding monthly, can be destroyed. As a result, monthly or irregular bleeding is reduced or eliminated completely in the majority of patients. This procedure is especially helpful in women who have gone through menopause but continue to have periods because of hormone replacement. Instead of stopping the hormones and losing the health benefits, such as protection from osteoporosis and reduction in the incidence of heart attacks, the bleeding can usually be eliminated with an endometrial ablation.
Endometrial ablation is an outpatient procedure, allowing the patient to go home the same day. Return to work and other activities is quicker than a hysterectomy. And unlike a hysterectomy, the woman retains her uterus. This procedure, however, cannot be done in women still interested in childbearing, since the Endometrium is important in supplying the pregnancy with nutrition during development.

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You will find many more links listed on our other women's page's

American Academy of Pain Management

Birth Control Options

Cervical Cancer

Finding a Doctor

Going to the Gynecologist 101

Gynecological Health

Infertility resources

Image Guided Surgery Associates

Is it a Headache or Migraine?

Pap Smears

Pelvic Pain Society

Planned Parenthood

World Congress on Pain

Health A To Z
An excellent source of information

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NOTICE - The information on this website is provided as general health guidelines and may not be applicable to your particular health condition. Your individual health status and any required medical treatments can only be properly addressed by a professional healthcare provider of your choice

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